الأحد، 8 مايو 2011

I Was doing that just to be FAMOUS !! .......... DUH!

Want to be famous in our blog ?

take this advise from a girl who had just ONE viewer in one month

to get your blog in fire .... just present a some INTRESTING subjects ...

there is a list i made for you ....

1- make people butt naked and put a question say ... Is this man or a woman?

2- choose one person you hate so much and talk about him/her... make sure you use alot of insult.

3- put some jokes ........ it is always work .... but not if you are LAME person.

4- search google for the most searched subject and put it the title of your blog .

5- make a sex tape

6- put the word ( PORN in the title

thank you .... Now if you are reading this ... you will make my blog famous ...

please dont comment if you are angry.

sorry for people who feel used .... but i'm simply dont have a life...
if i'm not mistaken ... so are you

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