الأحد، 22 مايو 2011

I got "WTH" dream !

do you know what that means ......  a very strange events come into your head ... you can dream of anything surely... 

 but it is just a dream ..... then why i'm worried to this could happen in real life...

i have nooo idea about people in my dreams...

so what happend is.... i came to my home after long travelling...  i saw the door open and a big sign at the fron says " GOLD SHOP"
however... when i came in my room.... there is a plane crash in my room...
then i saw this dead body and i was like " oh who put this here"
ok ... then i watched TV next thing i know ... there is report of two missing pilots who were in a contast to win money.

so i freaked out.... i looked for the dead body i could not find it then also the plane crash .
 this was wht the hell moment...

then i saw the door locked but i was so cool and calm like nothing happened.

 the news kept running and talking about tese two pilots...

i found a bag with id paper of both of the pilots and it was like a full essay about each one of them...

the dead guy ... died from freezing ( but my i live in the desert)
i could not see his name....

in the spot where we should put our names i saw CINDIRELLA
this also was WHAT THE HELL MOMENT

then i saw the other guy which i'v never see in my dreams..

i read his name hardly his name was CHRIS HUGHS
but when i was in the dream i have this knoledg of the story
it was something like this... chris hughs left his partner to die in freazing seats in the palne to win  
the prize..
then i woke up for school ..

after school i googeled chris hughs
and he is gay+ the co-founder of facebook
thi was what the hell moment ...

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