الاثنين، 23 مايو 2011



hi people of internet... ^.^

so i have this party ... and it is the HOTTEST PARTY EVAAA

litterly ...-.- it is like 45 degrees outside ...

and guess what .... i'm finally finishing high school ...
And i'm GRADUATING..!!

the most important party in any highschool student...

but look what happend ...

we went to the princible to tell her about the party.. she said:" who told you that you are going to have a party?

WOW ... we was like "WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAYING?"

becouse she said we are NOT going  to make a party for us

but after yelling and swearing and shit ... we now having a party.. ^.^
however i think it will be lame becouse it will be at school and at 9:00 AM

no parents 

no food

no music 

so yeah

to yo all who "say my life is sad"


الأحد، 22 مايو 2011

I got "WTH" dream !

do you know what that means ......  a very strange events come into your head ... you can dream of anything surely... 

 but it is just a dream ..... then why i'm worried to this could happen in real life...

i have nooo idea about people in my dreams...

so what happend is.... i came to my home after long travelling...  i saw the door open and a big sign at the fron says " GOLD SHOP"
however... when i came in my room.... there is a plane crash in my room...
then i saw this dead body and i was like " oh who put this here"
ok ... then i watched TV next thing i know ... there is report of two missing pilots who were in a contast to win money.

so i freaked out.... i looked for the dead body i could not find it then also the plane crash .
 this was wht the hell moment...

then i saw the door locked but i was so cool and calm like nothing happened.

 the news kept running and talking about tese two pilots...

i found a bag with id paper of both of the pilots and it was like a full essay about each one of them...

the dead guy ... died from freezing ( but my i live in the desert)
i could not see his name....

in the spot where we should put our names i saw CINDIRELLA
this also was WHAT THE HELL MOMENT

then i saw the other guy which i'v never see in my dreams..

i read his name hardly his name was CHRIS HUGHS
but when i was in the dream i have this knoledg of the story
it was something like this... chris hughs left his partner to die in freazing seats in the palne to win  
the prize..
then i woke up for school ..

after school i googeled chris hughs
and he is gay+ the co-founder of facebook
thi was what the hell moment ...

الأحد، 8 مايو 2011

I Was doing that just to be FAMOUS !! .......... DUH!

Want to be famous in our blog ?

take this advise from a girl who had just ONE viewer in one month

to get your blog in fire .... just present a some INTRESTING subjects ...

there is a list i made for you ....

1- make people butt naked and put a question say ... Is this man or a woman?

2- choose one person you hate so much and talk about him/her... make sure you use alot of insult.

3- put some jokes ........ it is always work .... but not if you are LAME person.

4- search google for the most searched subject and put it the title of your blog .

5- make a sex tape

6- put the word ( PORN in the title

thank you .... Now if you are reading this ... you will make my blog famous ...

please dont comment if you are angry.

sorry for people who feel used .... but i'm simply dont have a life...
if i'm not mistaken ... so are you

الأحد، 1 مايو 2011

What is my name in Arabic?

Okaaaaaay .... hi all .... my name is Alia.. and here to help you ... i will transelate your name to the Arabic and also i can define the meaning if it is possible...Now why i would do that? 
1- i have a free time
2- people want to see their names in arabic writing
3-some wedsites do that for money!! But i will NEVER DO THAT
please just put your name and i will doo my work ^^

Thank you..